A "whiteboard, big picture" view of the work relationship "fountainhead," and supervision's role ...
Pinned FeaturedOrganizations seek yields. Period. There's nothing inherently wrong, or bad, about this reality, per se. However, this "fountainhead of work relationships" must be understood by all parties. This fact also relates (ultimately) to the vital importance of QR. In the below, attached "whiteboard" PDF, follow the blue arrow. Then think about it. Note the supervisor's responsibilities as a 'talent steward"... serving as a "broker of performance," and a "2-way advocate," who attends to the needs of both parties.
When doing diagnostics and searching for remedies related to work role relationship issues (aka: weak QR) there can be often be advantages in looking at this graphic in reverse order. in other words, beginning with mutual accountabilities relationship of both parties for creating and maintaining a high quality relationship, then stepping backwards from that point in order to diagnose and improve. To learn more about the fundamentals of doing so we encourage you to use these two resources: rpQuick Guide and Career Fulcrum
The as the below PDF graphic emphasizes, the primary role of any supervisor (at any level from C-suite leaders to front line managers) is to be a 2-way broker, steward and advocate who assures and supports the reciprocal accountabilities of the two parties in their performing accurately for each other, so as to achieve and sustain optimal work relationship quality.
Yields to relationships whiteboard.pdf
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