Access denied
James sent me his collaberation request. I clicked on the link in his email and when I go to the hammer icon (builder) it is giving me the following message below. I believe this is what I need to access to add my own items. Or, am I missing a step and I should have setup a new account for me first and worked on it separately?
The reason you are getting an Access Denied is because the system has detected that there is an agreement already started that has not been responded to. Normally when you click on the link in the email, you will land on a page that required your email address and password (if Remember Me was not already checked). Once you enter that information, our system will automatically land you on the Collaborator page. (This would have been the same as you clicking on the icon to the right of the hammer under Collaborator).
On the Collaborator page, you will see the proposed list of items that Mr. Fields would like for you to respond to. You can respond by selecting the appropriate button, i.e. Shake, No Shake, or Need more Info/Dialog. Once you have responded you can also add items to the appropriate list.
At any time that we may be of further assistance, please reach out to us by clicking on the red "Ask Us" button.
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